How It Works

Free to use website provides you the quickest and easiest search
for obtaining or sharing of fresh kefir grains, nearest to your location.



Heard about this special drink of gods and you want to try and make it yourself? Looking for fresh culture or maybe you want some different cultures to spice things up a bit? Kefirhood is the best place for you to search for people nearby who have plenty to share. Sharing is the common practice among kefir makers. Beside kefir grains there are also other cultures that can give you the satisfaction of making your own healthy beverages. Check out who is sharing what.


Since kefir grains and other cultures grow a bit with every batch you make, the time will come when you will have too much of it. Friends and family can only take as much, and now is the time to share it with others who may be looking just for the culture you have. By sharing culture with someone you will also meet others who enjoy making these beverages and share your experiences. And remember by sharing grains you also share and promote a healthy lifestyle and DIY values.

»The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the Cohesion Fund«.

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